Even More Junk T.V.
Quote of the Day: "When you decide to be something, you can be it. That's what they don't tell you in the church. When I was your age they would say we can become cops, or criminals. Today, what I'm saying to you is this: when you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?"
-Frank Costello, The Departed
Like any heterosexual male, I like Tyra Banks. Unlike any heterosexual male, however, I love her show America's Next Top Model, or as we fans call it, ANTM. In fact, I think this is my third or fourth post about the show.
Recently, an Australian tabloid published a photo of Banks in a bathing suit, looking a tad heavier than what supermodels "should" be.
Rather than going the straight denial route, she took the issue head on. She went onto her talk show in the same bathing suit and compared herself to a life-size version of the tabloid photo. Needless to say, her negative features in the tabloid photo seem heavily exaggerated.
She didn't stop with that. She openly admits that, at 161 pounds, she is thirty pounds heavier than she was at the height of her modeling career, and she's proud of this. Rock on, Tyra.
She's even gone on to discuss cellulite and other "realities"--a concept that other supermodels don't quite grasp.
When I see your figure-less body prancing up and down that catwalk, with prodruding ribs and collarbones, I'm not thinking glamour. I'm not thinking about the product you're selling. I'm not, believe or not, even thinking about sex. At that moment, my mind is accosted by images of you hulked over some toilet, puking your brains and guts out of your mouth and nose. And it's totally not sexy.
I've never given much thought to Tyra. I've always found her business moves impressive and I'm a big fan of ANTM, but otherwise a I thought she was another flash in the pan model, here today, rehab tomorrow. I've had to reconsider. I wonder if this sense of ethics is something she's always had, or if it's a newfound thing. I hope it's always been there, and even if it hasn't, I find it admirable.
Also, another curvy beauty, Scarlet Johannsen, was recently named Sexiest Woman Alive, or something like that. I wonder if we're finally seeing a change in American tastes? That would be awesome.
What's even better is that Johannsen is a fantastic actress. That's right, I'm not only interested in looks. But when you pair up these looks with such talent--wow.
There's a particularly creepy American Idol audition on T.V. at the moment, so I need to to go fulfill my nightly junk television fix.
do you ever study, or just watch educational television?
I agree -- way to go Tyra! And great great quote -- loved that movie!
I agree -- way to go Tyra! And great great quote -- loved that movie!
In my lifetime, I've been 20 pounds underweight, average weight, and 20 pounds overweight, and believe me, 20 pounds overweight is much better!!!
I love Tyra. I basically didn't care either way about her until a year or two ago, when I caught a few episodes of ANTM. Then I caught a few episodes of her TV show. And I think I have a girl crush on her. I like that she talks about her cellulite, her IBS, and her saggy boobs. And hey - if guys tune in to her show because she's a supermodel, that's fine. Because at least she's realistic about bodies and women! Oh, Tyra. I <3 you
(also, that was the first time I've ever used the heart icon thing. I feel emo.)
Yes, ANTM is ALMOST as good as Project Runway.
Nice blog. love the quotes.
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