Eating Habits That Baffle Me (causing me to make fun of them)

Quote of the Day: "Where's the beef?"
I work with a vegetarian that I never skip an opportunity to torment. He's a skinny, lanky fellow that has probably never hurt anybody, but I'm too weak not to poke fun at him whenever he orders his employee meal. It doesn't help that I'm often the one to make his food.
Recently, when he ordered his meal, I put a huge tray of plain leaf lettuce in the expo window and told him his order was ready. Another time when he ordered a meal, another cook placed a raw hamburger patty in the window and said, "Order up!"
I learned that we also have a vegan working at the restaurant. She is a small, quiet person that I haven't had the chance to torture quite yet. Unfortunately, though we use pure canola oil in our fryers, she already knows that we fry everything, meats and all, alongside each other. So I guess I won't have the opportunity to give her an order of fries and wait until she finishes eating to say, "Ha! I fried that with some cod and breaded chicken!"
It's mean-spirited and even ignorant, which is something I need to work on, and I truly apologize to any vegetarians or vegans that might be reading this. But my actions are fairly tame compared to some of my coworkers who worked up the courage to ask the poor girl, "So, do vegans swallow?"
I guess I wasn't a vegan for those two years afterall?
Your are lucky to be working with vegans/vegetarians who have a sense of humor. In my experience, few of them do. :-)
My boyfriend is the manager at a Deli and this girl K he works with is a vegan and he loves to bother her all day long. Good thing she has a sense of humor!
I'm a piscatarian (fish no meat) and I haven't lost a pound, what are these people doing and what there secret?? are they not getting enough cake?
I saw this somewhere and I will use it from now on: I eat vegetables cause I hate plants.....I get the shize taken out of me everyday cause I am veggie.....gosh we are only girl told me once I never seen a vegetarian: My answer gosh how lucky we are to look the same as you lot....hihi...ok enough bla'ing and for your last q o me gosh....hihih....there was once a song can't remember singer or name of song but it went: She don't eat meat but she sure like the bone...ok OK now I will stop...
I could never give up meat, I'm afraid! As for veganism, man, I'd die in about three days.
Evil man! I was married to a vegetarian and tried it for a while. A while that did not last.
Aren't vegetarians supposed to be smarter? Some recent study which I suppose was flawed....
I want to be one - but I can't lose my craving for chicken...
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