Dispatches from Suburbia

If I played an instrument, I would have a band called "The Simon Thomsen Sex Tape"; and other musings, rants, and disconnected ramblings.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tying One On

Quote of the Day: "Not only do I think marijuana should be legalized, I think it should be mandatory."
-Bill Hicks

Ty Pennington, the wholesome host of Extreme Home Makeover, was arrested for driving under the influence. I have mixed feelings towards the show--it's generous, and it seems that there is even a glimmer of good intention in the show's premise (God, how naive am I?). But isn't there something overtly exploitative about using the sick, the dying, the despondent to draw tears from T.V. viewers? And isn't their something overtly funny that this guy, this representation of redemption and family unity, was arrested for driving inebriated with an open container in his vehicle?

In his defense, he was very apologetic for the incident, and he'll probably catch more flack than he deserves. But still, I'm consumed by cynicism, so much so that I fear it may be unhealthy.


At 6:15 AM, Blogger ZZZZZZZ said...

Wow, he was driving with an open container?!?! What was he thinking? Yeah, I don't care too much for those home make over shows... my mother lives for them, however. I bet she's watching one right now.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say it sucks, but if we were to have a house that was, say, taken down by a major tornado/hurricane/etc... you would be so dang thankful that they came to fix our house up.
However, the houses they do fix up NEVER fit the neighborhood, and those themed rooms are going to be a waste of time and money to those kids in about 2-3 years when they have a new interest. That sort of bothers me. But what can you do? Half they time they pay off your house when they fix it, so you don't have a house payment. How bad could that really be?

At 12:42 PM, Blogger mist1 said...

Have you had a Tyetini?

Seriously, I have to remind myself not to take them in the car with me. They are almost as tasty as Tye is.


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